Basic Electrical Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQ)

Multiple Choice Questions

Basic Electrical Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Basic Electrical (MCQ)

Question 1: Ohm's law formula?
Answer:A V=IR
Question 2: Who discovered ohm's law?
A Georg Simon Ohm
B Henry Cavendish
D Joseph Fourier
C Albert Einstein
Answer: A Georg Simon Ohm.
Question 3:Due to electric current in a conductor?
A The temperature of the conductor.
B The potential difference.
C The weight of the conductor.
D The area of the conductor.
Answer:B The potential difference.
Question 4: A current of 1A flows in a conductor of resistance 150Ω.Find the potentialdifference across the conductor.
A 150V
B 155V
C 15V
D 150KV
Answer:A 150V
Question 5: Current flows in the gas?
A Electrons, positive ions and negative ions
B Electrons only
C Electrons and positive ions
D Electrons and negative ions
Answer: A Electrons, positive ions and negative ions



Question 6: The flow of current in solids is due to?
A Electrons
B Atoms
C Nucleus and Atoms
D Electrons and ions
Answer:B Electrons
Question 7: Which of the following components of electrical engineering cannot be analyzed using Ohm's law?
A Transistors
B Capacitor
C Resistor
D Inductor
Answer:A Transistors
Question 8: Which of the following elements of electrical engineering can be analyzed using Ohm's law?
A Resistor,Capacitor and Inductor
B Transistor,Mosfet
C Transistor,IGBT
D Mosfet,IGBT
Answer:A Resistor,Capacitor and Inductor
Question 9: The minimum requirements for causing flow of current are ?
A A voltages source
B A voltage source, a resistor and a switch
C A voltages source and a conductor
D A voltage source, a conductor an ammeter and a switch
Answer:C A voltages source and a conductor
Question 10: Electric pressure is also called?
A Voltage
B Current and Voltage
C Voltage and Energy
D Power
Answer:A Voltage

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