Basic Electrical Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQ)

Multiple Choice Questions

Basic Electrical Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Basic Electrical (MCQ)

Question 1: In DC generators brushes are used for
A collecting of current without any sparkings
B collecting of voltage
C reduce eddy current loss
D convert ac armature current in to dc
Answer: A collecting of current without any sparkings
Question 2: The power transformer can be termed as a constant
A main flux device.
B voltage device.
C current device.
D power device.
Answer: Amain flux device.
Question 3: Which of the following type of brush and their application is/are correct
A carbon brush → normal ratings
B electro graphite → large ratings
C copper graphite → low voltage high current density
D all of the above
Answer:D carbon brush → normal ratings,electro graphite → large ratings,copper graphite → low voltage high current density
Question 4: In a transformer, which of the following losses are zero?
A Frictional and windage losses.
B Hysteresis losses.
C Eddy current losses.
D Copper losses.
Answer: A Frictional and windage losses.
Question 5: Which of the following windings are necessary in case of all dc machines?
A closed winding
B lap winding
C wave winding
D open type winding
Answer: A closed winding



Question 6: If the input frequency of a transformer is increases then its secondary induced emf
A none of the above.
B increases
C decreases.
Dremain same.
Answer: B increases
Question 7: DC machine windings are
A full pitched
B short pitched
Ceither of these
D none of the above
Answer: A full pitched
Question 8: The main purpose of using shell type transformer is to reduce
A magnetic leakage.
B hysteresis losses.
Ceddy current losses.
Dsize of transformer.
Answer: Amagnetic leakage.
Question 9: Inter pole winding is connected in-------?
A series with main poles
Bparallel with armature
Cseries with armature
D parallel with main poles
Answer: C series with armature
Question 10: A Buchholz relay can be installed on
A oil cooled transformers.
B auto-transformers.
C air-cooled transformers.
D any of the above.
Answer: A oil cooled transformers.

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