Basic Electrical Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQ)

Multiple Choice Questions

Basic Electrical Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Basic Electrical (MCQ)

Question 1: An electric current is the
A flow of electrons.
B ionization of atom.
C storage of charge.
D opposition to electrons.
Answer: A flow of electrons.
Question 2: Which of the two have same dimensions?
A Angular velocity and angular frequency
B Force and strain
C Force and stress
D None of the above
Answer: A Angular velocity and angular frequency
Question 3: Which of the following is best conductor of electricity?
A aluminum.
B silver.
C gold.
D copper.
Answer:B silver.
Question 4: What is the expression for acceleration?
A Change in velocity / time
B Mass x velocity
C Mass x acceleration
D Force x displacement
Answer: A Change in velocity / time
Question 5: The dielectric material used in variable capacitor is generally
A air.
B mica.
C ceramic.
D electrolyte.
Answer: A air



Question 6: What is the expression for momentum?
A force × displacemen
B mass × velocity
C mass × acceleration
D change of velocity / time
Answer: B mass × velocity
Question 7: What does a capacitor store?
A Charge
B Current.
C Voltage.
D Power.
Answer: A Charge
Question 8: Resistance of a VARISTOR varies with
A Voltage
B Current
C Temperature
D Both Voltage and Temperature
Answer: A Voltage
Question 9: Power consumed in a pure inductive circuit is
A less.
B high.
C zero
D infinity.
Answer: C zero
Question 10: Relative permittivity can be measured by _______ bridge
A Schering.
B Desautys.
C Hays.
D Wheatstones.
Answer: A Schering.

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