Basic Electrical Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQ)

Multiple Choice Questions

Basic Electrical Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Basic Electrical (MCQ)

Question 1: Which of the following quantities consists of S.I. unit as Hertz?
A Frequency
B Charge
C Force
D Power
Answer: A Frequency
Question 2: Which of the quantity consists of SI unit as Candela?
A Luminous intensity
B Force
C Impulse
D Velocity
Answer: A Luminous intensity
Question 3: Which of the quantity consists of unit as Pascal ?
A Temperature
B Pressure
C Impulse
D Watt
Answer:B Pressure
Question 4: Which of the quantity consists of unit as newton-second?
A Impulse
B Speed
C Acceleration
D velocity
Answer: A Impulse
Question 5: Which of the quantity consists of unit as kg m/sec ?
A Momentum
B Speed
C Acceleration
D Impulse
Answer: A Momentum



Question 6: What is the standard unit for length ?
A Centimeter
B Meter
C Inch
D Kilometer
Answer: B Meter
Question 7: What is the name of physical quantities which are independent of each other?
A Fundamental quantity
B Derived quantity
C Numerical quantity
D None of the above
Answer: A Fundamental quantity
Question 8: The Metric System is also called as:
A MKS system
D None of the above
Answer: A MKS system
Question 9: Which devices used to measure the temperature of an object ?
A Poteintiometer
B Odometer
C Thermometers
D Galvanometer
Answer: C Thermometers
Question 10: Which one of the following units is a fundamental unit?
A Ampere
B Newton
C Watt
D Joule/se
Answer: A Ampere

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