Basic Electrical Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQ)

Multiple Choice Questions
Basic Electrical Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Basic Electrical (MCQ)

Question 1: Deflection method direct measurements are most widely used as these are
A most simple and least time consuming.
B least time consuming.
C most simple.
D most accurate.
Answer: A most simple and least time consuming.
Question 2: An instrument which detects electric current is known as
A galvanometer.
B induction meter.
C watt meter.
D none of these
Answer: Agalvanometer.
Question 3: Potentiometer method of DC voltage measurement is more accurate than direct measurement using a voltmeter because
A It loads the circuit moderately.
B It does not load the circuit at all.
C It loads the circuit to maximum extent.
D It uses centre zero galvanometer instead of voltmeter.
Answer:B It does not load the circuit at all.
Question 4: The substances which have a large number of free electrons and offer a low resistance are called
A conductors.
B insulators.
C inductors.
D semi-conductors.
Answer: A conductors.
Question 5: In AC circuits, the connection of measuring instruments cause loading effect errors which may effect
A magnitude, phase and waveform of the quantity being measured.
B only the magnitude of the quantity being measured.
C only phase of the quantity being measured
D both of above.
Answer: A magnitude, phase and waveform of the quantity being measured.



Question 6: The property of a conductor due to which it passes current is called
A reluctance.
C admittance.
Answer: B conductance.
Question 7: When checked with an ohm meter an open resistor reads
A infinite.
B high but within tolerance.
C low but not zero.
D zero.
Answer: A infinite.
Question 8: Reciprocal of the conductance is called
A resistance.
B reactance.
C reluctance.
Answer: A resistance.
Question 9: Which of the following is a variable displacement transducer?
B synchros
C potentiometer
D none of the above
Answer: C potentiometer
Question 10: If the number of resistances are connected in series then the equivalent resistance is
A increases.
B decreases.
C remain same.
D none of the above.
Answer: A increases.

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