Basic Electrical Multiple Choice Questions ( MCQ)

Multiple Choice Questions

Basic Electrical Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

Basic Electrical (MCQ)

Question 1: The chemical effect of current is used in
A D.C ampere hour meter.
B D.C ammeter.
C D.C energy meter.
D none of the above.
Answer: A D.C ampere hour meter.
Question 2: A capacitor block
Cboth AC or DC.
D none of the above.
Answer: A DC
Question 3: The high torque to weight ratio in an analog indicating instrument indicates
A high friction loss.
B low friction loss.
C nothing related to friction loss.
D none of these.
Answer:Blow friction loss.
Question 4: An inductor blocks
C both AC or DC.
Dnone of the above.
Answer: A AC.
Question 5: Which of following is a vector quantity?
A Magnetic field intensity.
B Flux density.
C Magnetic potential.
D Relative permeability.
Answer: A Magnetic field intensity.



Question 6: Power factor of direct current is
A zero.
B unity.
C lagging.
D leading.
Answer: Bunity.
Question 7: Frequency of direct current is
A zero.
B unity.
C 50 Hz.
D infinity.
Answer: A zero.
Question 8: The internal resistance of a milli-ammeter must be very low for
A minimum effect on the current in the circuit.
B high sensitivity.
C high accuracy.
D high precision
Answer: A minimum effect on the current in the circuit.
Question 9: The number of cycle per second is called
A time period.
B angular displacement.
C frequency.
D angular velocity.
Answer: Cfrequency.
Question 10: A high frequency AC signal is applied to a PMMC instrument. The RMS value of the AC signal is 2V, the reading of the instrument is
A Zero.
B 2V.
C √3V.
D 3√2V.
Answer: A Zero.

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